Welcome to Nina's blog 3.0 where I've come to realize nothing makes you blog like desperation... or terrible weather. The weeklong rain/hail storm that has terrorized our small panhandle town made me realize I can't just wait to be graced by some Lesbian Godmother and take my rightful place next to my ce-lesbian elites, I have to do it myself. So naturally my protest against mother nature led me to try blogging again. Can you believe I've had some form of blog wondering around the webz since 2008?
But this time it's different (hopefully). I've got my glasses on and my sassy sockbun and I am a-noggin for some bloggin.
Since I'm actually still at work there is little that I can do in the way of funny photos of said sockbun and any other hilarity, so for my first post you will just have to do with CSS (a favorite of mine which will definitely pop up again later in this blog) singing all of my stormy weather blues away and shedding light on my new venture.