27 March, 2014

Totally Tubular: The Strangest (And Coolest) Cameos in Veronica Mars

If the internet is any indication, people are freaking out about all the awesome cameos in the new Veronica Mars movie, and I’m in my own virtual corner like “What did you expect!”. Back during it’s original run as a TV series on UPN (before it turned into the CW),Veronica Mars had a knack for picking out great actors, some known and some unknown but soon-to-be-known, to star alongside the teen sleuth. I’m glad they kept this fun quirk going on the big screen. 
One of the funnest parts of re-watching the series is catching old ANTM contestants make an appearance in the seedy town of Neptune,CA. My favorite of course is none other than Kim Stolz, also known as the only interesting thing about Cycle 5. If you need a refresher, here ya go!

To check out the rest of my favorite cameos, check out the rest of the list at Portable.tv and let me know if I missed any of your favorites.

Femme-tastic! 11 Perfect Canadian Tuxedos in Pop Culture

So, Emma Watson is on the April cover of Elle Magazine wearing a Canadian tuxedo, which to the fashion impaired means an ensemble compiled of only denim, and frankly I’m a bit underwhelmed. While Emma looks silly and dated (which I solely blame on a terrible stylist and equally terrible photoshop) I’m actually a huge fan of the all over jean look.To make up for this travesty, here are some of my all time favorite examples of Canadian Tuxedos in pop culture.

To make up for this travesty, check out Portable.tv for my all time favorite examples of Canadian Tuxedos in pop culture.

Chick Flicks: 'TEENAGE' Movie Review

Now while I am still way too young to be reminiscing on my teenage years, this film almost made me long for the frivolous days of my youth (can I still say that if I am only 21?). Well, almost. Apart from my left over teen angst that has seeped into early twenties angst, TEENAGE is a fascinating look at the creation and evolution of the 'teenager'. Don't be fooled by the black and white film stills, this documentary is a vibrant and heartfelt love letter to youth culture created at the turn of the 20th century.

Read the rest of my review @ BUST Blog